Construction Updates: June 26, 2024

Please be advised of upcoming and ongoing construction:

Work is still underway on DuSable Lake Shore Drive and the alley bounded by Wayne, Glenwood, Hollywood, and Bryn Mawr (see below). Read more about these projects in last week's update

Clark Street Streetscape
This project is ongoing. This week, the contractor will be installing the traffic signal poles and signal heads for the Clark Schrieber Ashland intersection, start installing the tile on the neighborhood identifier, pour the foundations for the seatwalls along Arthur, and install the green bike lane pavement markings.

Next week, the contractor expects to complete the installation of the traffic signal poles and signal heads for the Clark Schrieber Ashland intersection, complete the tile installation on the neighborhood identifier, install the seatwalls along Arthur, and start installing the light pole identifiers. See renderings of the neighborhood identifiers below. 

digital renderings of the proposed clakr street neighborhood identifiers

If you have any questions regarding a project not posted, please reach out to Likewise, if you would like to know about any upcoming project in the ward, visit ChiStreetWork.

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Be sure to review last week's construction update as some projects may be ongoing.


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