Zoning and Development
If you are interested in developing property in the 48th ward or would like to learn more about our development process, please see the following links:
Development Process — information and guidelines for developing in the 48th ward.
Zoning Intake Form — for developers interested in making a zoning change request.
Proposed projects — projects that are currently under consideration for zoning change request in the 48th ward. View past projects here.
Liquor License information — procedures for applying for a liquor license, including requesting the lifting of a liquor moratorium when applicable.
Zoning Feedback Form — use this form to give feedback on projects that are under consideration for zoning change in the 48th ward.
Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC) — the ZAC is a volunteer council of 48th ward residents who provide feedback to the Alderwoman on proposed development projects, zoning change requests, and relevant community engagement.
Questions? Contact development@the48thward.org