Development Process for the 48th Ward
Thank you for your interest in continuing the development of the 48th ward. Our office is excited at the prospect of promoting equitable and quality development in the ward. Please view these guidelines to better understand Alderwoman Manaa-Hoppenworth’s priorities, as well as the process for developers seeking a zoning change.
The ward’s priorities regarding development in the 48th ward are:
Protect and improve the quality of housing affordability in the ward.
Support, encourage, and expand Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) in our surrounding communities and connect development to our modes of public transportation.
Ensure best practices on sustainable design and quality development.
Support, maintain, and enhance our cultural, historic, recreational, and ecological resources.
Protect the diversity of our unique neighborhoods and increase the economic health of the community.
Promote residential density and revitalization efforts of our commercial corridors.
Please read on for information about the development process in the 48th ward.
The 48th ward follows the following process when considering development in the ward: intake, community feedback, review by the Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC), and the finally, the notice of decision. See details below on each of these steps.
Developers interested in a zoning change should use this intake form.
Once the form has been filled out and submitted, the Director of Development will share the information with the 48th Ward Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC) and relevant neighborhood associations (i.e. Block Club/s and Chamber/s of Commerce) prior to publishing it for public view.
Community feedback can come in different forms, as described below. All proposed projects are subject to feedback via the Zoning Feedback Form. Additionally, some projects may also include one or more Community Meetings, as described below.
Zoning Feedback Form
The project documents will be posted on the 48th Ward website and announced in the 48th Ward newsletter. Neighbors will have approximately 30 days to review the project and provide feedback online via the Zoning Feedback Form.
The applicant will be instructed to contact:
occupants of the buildings that are immediately adjacent to the project site of the proposal and
relevant community organizations (i.e. Block Club/s, Chamber/s of Commerce, etc).
In addition to encouraging members to use the online feedback form, community organizations are welcome to submit a written recommendation and/or feedback to the Alderwoman’s office. If desired, community organizations are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the Alderwoman to discuss their written recommendation and/or feedback.
Community Meetings
Community meetings may be called for projects of significant interest. Not every project will require a community meeting. The Alderwoman reserves the right to call a community meeting at any time as needed.
If desired, community organizations (i.e. Block Club/s, Chamber/s of Commerce, etc.) have approximately 30 days to call and organize a community meeting to hear from the developer first-hand, ask questions, and provide feedback. The 48th ward office can help organize this meeting if necessary.
After the 30 day comment period, the applicant(s) will present the project to the 48th Ward Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC). The applicant(s) is/are required to share their presentation no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. Out of respect for the time of our ZAC volunteers, the presentation and Q&A will each be allotted 15 minutes.
The Zoning Advisory Council have a constructive discussion on the proposed project and how it relates to the zoning change request and the overall vision/mission of the ward. Out of respect for the time of our ZAC members, the discussion will not exceed 45 minutes.
A summary of the ZAC’s feedback will be recorded by the Director of Development, and be delivered to the Alderwoman.
The ZAC reserves the right to motion an idle period for ZAC members to mull over the proposed plan and collect their thoughts. To pass an idle period, the motion must be seconded, and receive a majority vote of present members. When an idle period passes, the ZAC will reconvene two weeks later. Conversation on a specific development project shall not exceed 2 meetings, unless the Alderwoman deems that a 3rd meeting is necessary.
The ZAC reserves the right to motion the need for further engagement via a community meeting. To pass a community meeting motion, the motion must be seconded and receive a majority vote of the present members. When a community meeting motion passes, the ZAC members are required to attend that meeting.
ZAC members are required to abstain from the conversation on a particular proposal if there is a conflict of interest.
After reviewing the proposal and the feedback, Alderwoman Manaa-Hoppenworth will share her final decision with the applicant, the Zoning Advisory Council, and the wider community. The decision will be shared in the 48th ward newsletter and on the 48th ward website.
The Alderwoman’s decision may include:
Accepting and recommending the proposed development project as-is.
Rejecting the proposed development project and denying the zoning change request.
Rejecting the proposal as-is and making recommendations for changes that would allow the project to move forward.
For questions about information on this page, email