MWRD Overflow Action Days

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago may issue Overflow Action Alerts when heavy rain is expected in the Chicagoland area to let folks know that they should reduce their use of water to help prevent flooding and protect water quality. By making just a few adjustments on days when our sewer system is under intense pressure, we can help keep our water safe and our buildings flood-free.

Three recommended actions you can take to reduce your water usage on Overflow Action Days are:

  • Delay showers and baths until after the rain event has ended

  • Flush less frequently

  • Wait to run water-based appliances like dishwashers or washing machines

Flooding and sewer backups can happen for a variety of reasons, ranging from conveyance of water flow in local pipes, the groundwater table, undersized drainage designs and roof loads, and sump pumps attached to house lines. Learn more about how to prepare for stormwater here.

MWRD staff work 24/7 protecting the water environment, mitigating flooding, managing waterway elevations, and keeping operations moving at its seven water reclamation plants. The MWRD treats an average of 1.47 billion gallons of wastewater per day, but that number can soar above 2 billion with intensive rainstorms. After consecutive days of rain, there is less capacity for the MWRD to hold and treat the additional water. Learn more about Combined Sewer Overflow prevention here.

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