Connecting Communities on Broadway - Overview of Project Framework and Community Engagement Process
NOTE: The Connecting Communities on Broadway land use framework was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission on February 20. Read a more recent update here.
In this post:
Project Overview
Community Engagement Process
Useful Diagrams
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is partnering with the 48th, 46th, and 47th; the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce; and Uptown United to create a land use plan for Broadway between Montrose and Devon avenues. There have been three community engagement meetings for this project. The deadline to submit feedback has been extended from January 15 to February 6. See a brief overview of the framework below. See full details online at
Project Overview
PURPOSE: Support the Broadway community with intentional, transparent development expectations that attract activity and investment.
Ainslie -Winona (primarily C1-5 with pedestrian street designation)
Max height: 50-80 ft. Allows the same uses as B3 plus certain types of entertainment and salon uses (see diagrams at the bottom of this page). Pedestrian streets use restrictions to preserve and enhance pedestrian shopping districts.
Winona - Devon (primarily B3-5)
Max height: 50-80 ft. commercial ground floors and a range of active uses (see back of flyer)
PEDESTRIAN STREETS: Pedestrian-oriented design (ex: entry from street, hidden parking) and restricts some vehicle uses (ex: driveway curb cuts) (see diagrams at the bottom of this page).
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: For properties rezoned with more development rights, the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) will apply. The ARO applies to projects with 10 or more units and typically requires 20% of total units affordable to residents making 60% of the Area Median Income.
Community Engagement Process
All written feedback responses (downloadable at bottom of page under “Past Events.”)
*all notices and recaps were also shared in our newsletter. Meeting dates were included in our community calendar.