Broadway Land Use Framework Adopted by Chicago Plan Commission

Connecting Communities on Broadway Broadway Land Use Planning

On February 20, Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth spoke in favor of the Broadway Land Use Framework, a plan which translates community priorities for a pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use corridor into a tool for future decision-making on Broadway from Devon to Montrose. The framework was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission, taking us one step closer to realizing our community’s vision for the future of Broadway.

In the 48th ward, our local businesses are struggling and our naturally occurring affordable housing is being threatened. Our vision which is expressed through this framework is for a pedestrian-friendly corridor with thriving businesses and diverse housing stock. Our goal is to implement intentional, transparent development expectations that attract activity and investment along this important corridor. 

Thank you to everyone who has engaged with our office, the other aldermanic offices involed with this project, and DPD throughout this process. Please note that the acceptance of the Framework by the CPC does not put any zoning changes into place. Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth will implement zoning changes over time in accordance with the values and standards outlined in the framework with continued engagement and feedback from the community.

  • See an overview of the community engagement process up to this point here.

  • See a letter from the alderwoman to the community about this project here.


48th Ward Public Safety Trends - February 2025


Construction Updates: February 20, 2025