Celebrating Women’s History Month 2024

Graphic with text "Celebrating Women's History Month March 01-31" and Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth's logo and contact information

This Women’s History Month, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the important role women have played in the history of the Chicago City Council and the ward system.


In 1971, Chicago elected its first two alderwomen to city council: one in the 16th ward and one right here in the 48th! The 1971 16th ward Alderwoman, Anna Langford, was a Black attorney and civil rights activist. The 48th ward alderwoman, Marilou McCarthy, was a white newspaper reporter.

At the time, City Hall was male-dominated to the extent that a women’s restroom had to be built to accommodate these new representatives. To this day, the men’s room is conveniently located just behind the City Council chambers while the women’s room is a short trek down the hall.

Anna Langford served three non-consecutive terms as an alder over the course of her career while McCarthy served just one.

Read more about the women’s involvement in city government before 1971 here.


Alderwomen Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth is the 5th woman to serve the 48th ward and the 1st Filipino American elected to the Chicago City Council.

After Ald. Marilou McCarthy, Ald. Marion Volini was elected to serve the 48th ward in 1978. In the ‘70s, 48th ward alders faced a tough road ahead, as did so many elected officials, with the closing of State mental hospitals and institutions. They encountered many of the same challenges we’re working to overcome today, from offering support to unhoused populations, to providing necessary and life-saving mental health services, to creating vibrant economic corridors and community spaces.

Ald. Kathy Osterman was elected in 1987 and, among her many accomplishments, she carried forward Ald. Volini’s work to transform the former Broadway Armory into the bustling community center offering recreation, resources, and classes that it is today.

In 1991, Ald. Osterman passed the torch to Ald. Mary Ann Smith who would go on to serve 5 terms for the 48th ward. Known in part for her commitment to sustainability efforts, Ald. Smith holds a seat on our Zoning Advisory Council today!

See a complete list of 48th ward alders here.


Today, Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth is proud to be the first women of color to serve the 48th ward as alder, and the next in a powerful tradition of women’s leadership in our community.

In an alder’s office, there’s always work to be done. Some days are a continuation of the work started by the leaders who preceded us, while others are characterized by entirely new challenges that we must rise to together. Through it all, we are proud to be with you in service, working to create a safe and healthy community where we can all thrive.


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