New Arrivals Mission: Work Permits, Resettlement, Getting Involved

Work Permit Authorization Update

In partnership with the Resurrection Project and USCIS, the City of Chicago has been offering work permit workshops for qualifying new arrivals. 85 Broadway Armory residents qualified for and have submitted their applications, and 64 of those residents have received work authorization. This past week, 200 new arrivals with work permits attended an Employment Resource Fair hosted by the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, and another event is on the calendar in the coming weeks. Attendees were connected to job resources, resume support, and interview coaching.  

graphic that says "Call to Landlords! Help house our new neighbors!

Resettlement Update

Thanks to the work of Catholic Charities, the Sanctuary Working Group, and others, 334 residents have moved out of the Broadway Armory Shelter since November 2023. 37 individuals were supported with transportation to join family members outside of Chicago. 75 households moved out via the ASERAP program. 24 households have signed leases and are waiting for their lease date to start to move out.18 households have completed housing assessments.

We are calling on landlords in Uptown, Edgewater, and Rogers Park to consider getting involved through the ASERAP and Sanctuary Working Group programs. To learn more about these programs see the recorded info session here. See additional resources here. Families who move out of the Broadway Armory Shelter have the option to keep their children enrolled in their current school or transfer.

photo of Mayor Johnson with a volunteer and the text Welcome to theHub

Get Involved

The 48th ward is a welcoming ward. We're proud of the outpouring of support we've seen from neighbors who are looking to help our new neighbors. If you're intersted in getting involved, please visit our Community Support page on our website for a list of 48th ward organizations seeking donations and volunteers as well as a variety of city-wide initiatives. This page now includes the recently-launched, city-wide New Neighbors Campaign.


48th Ward First Annual Lunar New Year Luncheon


Think Before You Hate