Photos from the Elise Malary Way Street Naming Ceremony

Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth, reps from the Chi Therapy Collective, and other elected officials pose for a photo beneath the new Elise Malary Way honorary street sign

On Friday March 29, Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth joined family, friends, and neighbors for the street naming of Elise Malary Way in Andersonville. This is the first time that Chicago has honored a Black trans woman in this way. Elise was a beautiful light and a dedicated healthcare and social justice advocate for our community and Black trans lives. She helped build up the LGBTQ+ community, organized, and empowered others to thrive wherever she went.

We are grateful for the work of Chicago Therapy Collective — of which Elise was a founding member — for continuing to lead on making our community a welcoming, safe, and healthy place. Thank you as well to the elected officials, community organizations, small businesses, and Chambers of Commerce who came together for this event.

Elise, your light shines on in our work for Black trans lives + justice for all. We miss you and we love you.


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