Construction Updates: August 14, 2024

48th Ward Construction Header with illustration of a traffic cone

Please be advised of the following upcoming and ongoing construction in the ward:

Collage of photos of Margate Park trails after recent resurfacing

Margate Park Trails and Playground

Our office secured over $300K in funding for the resurfacing of Margate Park Trails and upgrades to the Margate Park Playground. The resurfacing included 1.3 miles of pathway paving. The resurfacing was completed earlier this month and is looking great! Work on the Margate Park Playground is planned for 2025 and will include for will get a new soft surface, lawn area repair, concrete wall repair, and paver cleaning/leveling.

Kenmore between Foster and Ainslie before (left) and after (right) resurfacing

Kenmore Resurfacing Update

Resurfacing on Kenmore between Foster and Ainslie is almost complete! The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be finishing up this project soon by repainting the bike lanes. See before and after pictures of the road resurfacing above. Thank you to our neighbors on Kenmore for advocating for these improvements and for your patience during construction. 

Construction crew working on resurfacing an alley bounded by Wayne/Hollywood/Glenwood/Bryn Mawr
Construction crew working on green alley construction at Wayne/Glenwood/Hollywood/Bryn Mawr earlier this year.

Alley Resurfacing

Please be advised that CDOT is set to move forward with the first phase of alley resurfacing on two locations:

  • Broadway/Thorndale/Winthrop/Ardmore

  • Ardmore/Clark/Victoria/Ridge

Resurfacing is set to begin next week, weather permitting.

Hollywood Resurfacing

Neighbors, be advised that resurfacing is set to begin on August 20, 2024 on Hollywood from Ridge to Sheridan, pending weather and clearance from existing utilities/railroads. This construction is part of CDOT's Arterial Street Resurfacing - North Area Project and will include ADA sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter removal/replacement, pavement patching, milling, and striping. 

During construction, temporary “No Parking” signs will be periodically installed as required for each activity listed above.  These temporary signs will restrict parking during working hours, while adhering to rush hour restrictions, for the completion of the work.  All work on this corridor is scheduled to be completed October 25, 2024.

gravel pathway between the new CTA tracks where Under L Activation will go

RPM Extended Road and Alley Closures

The following roads and alleys in the ward will be closed due to the Red and Purple Modernization (RPM) project:

Parking Lane Closures/Traffic Shifts
Foster from Broadway - Winthrop

  • Saturday, August 10 - Saturday, August 17

  • Work Activity: Street & Sewer Reconstruction

24/7 Street Closures
Ardmore from Broadway - Winthrop

  • NEW DATES: Wednesday, August 14 - Saturday, August 23

  • Work Activity: Street & Sidewalk Restoration

Balmoral at the CTA Tracks

  • Wednesday, July 10 - Friday, August 30

  • Work Activity: Track Structure Segment Delivery

Alley Closuress
Alley behind 5700 - 5758 N Winthrop

  • NEW DATES: Friday, August 9 - Saturday, August 31

  • Work Activity: Alley Reconstruction

  • Alternative parking at 5826 N Broadway and 5840 N Broadway.

Please note that sidewalks and additional alleys in the ward may be affected by partial closures. Visit the RPM site to subscribe for all updates in your area.

If you have any questions regarding a project not posted, please reach out to Likewise, if you would like to know about any upcoming project in the ward, visit ChiStreetWork.

Subscribe to the 48th ward newsletter for more updates.

Be sure to review last week's construction update as some projects may be ongoing.


Infrastructure Town Hall


Construction Updates: August 7, 2024