Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth Co-Sponsors Resolution Celebrating Centro Romero’s 40th Anniversary

Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth with 48th Ward office interns and representatives from Centro Romero posing for a photo outside of the City Council chambers

Alderwoman Manaa-Hoppenworth was proud to sponsor a resolution commemorating the 40th anniversary of Centro Romero along with 40th Ward Alderperson Andre Vasquez. We are so grateful for all the incredible work Centro Romero has done through the years to support refugees and immigrants through education, youth engagement, and legal services. We look forward to continuing our partnership for many more years to come. Read the full text of the resolution below.


WHEREAS, Centro Romero has been a community-based organization serving refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants on the northside of Chicago for 40 years.

WHEREAS, Centro Romero provides interrelated programs including Legal Immigration Services, Adult Education, Youth Learning and Leadership Program, Women’s and Domestic Violence Prevention, and Public Benefits Access.

WHEREAS, In the calendar year 2023, Centro Romero’s staff of 60, with the help of 241 volunteers provided 5,920 service hours, and empowered 34,644 clients across three programs, including 24,041 persons educated in community education activities.

WHEREAS, Centro Romero provides a trusted bridge between new arrivals and mainstream American society, improving the opportunity for upward mobility.

WHEREAS, Centro Romero is named for Archbishop Oscar Romero, a fearless human rights activist from El Salvador, known as “the Voice of the Voiceless,” who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

WHEREAS, Centro Romero, in its dedication to community service, has significantly impacted the lives of many through its Youth Program, assisting over 115 youngsters and teens with academic support, tutoring, recreational activities, and museum field trips. In addition, 70 children and adults attended special events, and 131 parents benefited from monthly educational workshops.

WHEREAS, In 2024 alone, Centro Romero has supported nearly 2,000 new arrivals, with a total of close to 6,700 newly arrived migrants assisted since buses began arriving in Chicago.

WHEREAS, Since 2018, in collaboration with City Clerk Anna Valencia's office, Centro Romero has issued over 27,000 City Key IDs, providing essential photo identification to those in need, helping them navigate the complexities of life in a new country.

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, assembled here on this 17th day of July, 2024, do hereby honor and congratulate Centro Romero on 40 years of service.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this Resolution be prepared and presented to Centro Romero as a symbol of our esteem and respect.


Construction Updates: July 31, 2024


Edgewater SSA 26 Seeking Bike Rack and Mural Locations