Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO) - Listen, Lead, Share


  • When: Thursday, February 8 at 6pm

  • Where: 6018 N Kenmore & Zoom

  • RSVP here

The Clean and Affordable Buidling Ordinance (CABO) is legislation aimed at decarbonizing by phasing gas/fossil fuel-based appliances out of new developments in Chicago. This is an important step forward in meeting Chicago’s climate goals as more than 60% of the city’s carbon emissions come from buildings.

A transition away from fossil fuel combustion appliances would open up new jobs in the clean energy sector (electricians, HVAC installers, geothermal technicians, etc) and lower utlity rates for the average consumer long term.

Read more about CABO in this post from the Illinois Green Alliance. You can also read through a list of FAQs about the ordinance on the Citizens Utility Board’s website here.

Our office is partnering with the 46th ward as well as the Edgewater Environmental Coalition, Sierra Club, ONE Northside, and the Illinois Citizens Utility Board to host a listen, lead, share event where our neighbors can learn more about the benefits of transitioning from gas-based appliances to electric ones. See you there!


PB Community Meeting on Feb 29 at CMAA


7th District Small Business Restoration Grant Deadline Extended