5920 N Ridge (The Mabel): Update from the Zoning Advisory Council

5920 N Ridge Development Rendering

On March 12, the 48th ward Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC) met with representatives of The Mabel (5920 N Ridge) to discuss their zoning change request and the potential impacts it would have on the community. We asked questions about impacts on special use, permitting, and what this new zoning change would mean for surrounding entities. We also asked about affordability, accessibility, the façade, sustainability, and green space integration.

As a reminder, The Mabel is looking to rezone the lot on 5920 N Ridge from C1-2 to B2-3 in order to reconvert the first floor retail into apartments. The ZAC will deliberate at the following meeting to discuss the overall impacts and make their recommendations to the Alderwoman.

Public feedback for this development will close on March 15, at 11:59pm. Submit feedback here.


Construction Updates: March 14, 2024


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