6200 N Broadway: Zoning Change Request Decision

Rendering of 6200 N Broadway

Please review the following statement from Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth:

After careful consideration, I have decided not to support the zoning change request for 6200 N Broadway from B1-3 to C1-3. I want to thank the applicant for their interest in Edgewater and for their participation in our community engagement process, and the landlord, who has been collaborative and communicative throughout. 

Our office heard from hundreds of neighbors on this topic via community meetings; our online feedback form; and calls, emails, and mail to our office. The majority of those who reached out were not in favor of a liquor store in this location, often citing issues with a previous liquor store in the neighborhood. Many neighbors did support the zoning change, eager to see something fill the vacant storefront. Neighbors on both sides of the conversation cited public safety as a concern, knowing that filled storefronts and busy commercial corridors contribute to a safer community.  

Our 48th ward Zoning Advisory Council (ZAC) consists of neighbors in our community who are interested in land-use and development. ZAC members shared concerns about the vacant storefront and, after meeting with the applicant, considering the location, and reviewing the community feedback, recommended moving forward with the zoning change. I appreciate the commitment of our hard-working ZAC volunteers and their valuable contributions as an advisory body on this and many other development opportunities in the ward.

As your Alderwoman, my role is to represent the ward when it comes to land-use and zoning change requests. My vision for the ward is to maintain and expand the rich diversity of our community through equitable land use for the improvement of the quality of life for all who live, work, and play here. My office has implemented a spot-zoning process that is rooted in community engagement and transparency, convening a Zoning Advisory Council in the 48th ward for the first time since Alderwoman Mary Ann Smith was in office. At the same time, I recognize the limitations of spot-zoning and am exploring the possibility of proactive zoning in the 48th ward. The city is moving towards a proactive approach to zoning such as the Western Avenue Proactive Zoning project to the west of us.

For 6200 N Broadway, I have reviewed the feedback from the community, met with our 48th ward ZAC, and met with the landlord and applicant. After many conversations, I feel certain that it’s possible to fill the vacant storefront with a business that would better serve the community. My office will continue to work with the landlord, the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, and our small business community to fill this iconic space. 

I am grateful to the ZAC for their tireless work evaluating this proposal and others, and the neighbors who engaged in this process while focussing on our most valuable asset: community.

Leni's signature

Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth

Alderwoman, 48th ward


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