Updates to Public Safety Alert System
This is a long post, so here are highlights of the information covered here as you scroll down to read more:
• Opt in to Crime Alerts
• How to Opt in to Crime Alerts
• What About Emergency Info?
• Why the Change?
• Our Process
• Get Involved
Public Safety is the top priority for our office. Our Safe 48 Health and Safety Plan focuses on coordination and collaboration across government agencies, community-based organizations, and neighbors.
Based on feedback from our neighbors and commitment to our values of empowerment, antiracism, and community, our office is updating our public safety alert system. Newsletter subscribers can now opt in to receive crime alerts. Only subscribers who have opted in for these crime alerts will receive them. We will also no longer share these alerts on social media.
Fill out your information here and check the box under “Subscribe to crime alerts?” Your preferences will be updated at the email address you provide on this page, even if you are already subscribed.
Alternatively, you can click on the “Update my preferences” link at the bottom of any email that you receive from us.
If you are not a subscriber, opt in when you subscribe.
We will continue to send emergency safety information to our entire newsletter mailing list (regardless of opt-in status) in instances where there is an active threat to 48th ward neighbors’ safety. We will also continue to share this information on social media.
We received feedback from constituents who let us know that they did not want to receive crime alerts unless there was an active threat to their safety. By moving to an opt-in system, we keep potentially traumatic, non-emergency information out of those inboxes.
Our updated alert system is based not only input from our community but is also informed by research from recent years that shows how over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about violent crime rates and negatively impacts our most marginalized and underserved neighbors.
While subscribers must now opt in to receive individual crime alerts, note that we will continue to share comprehensive public safety information and details about our public safey work in our weekly newsletter.
Note also that opting in to receive crime alerts does not guarantee that you will receive an alert for every instance of crime in the ward. We will continue to send alerts based on the process below and the capacity of our team.
The mission of 48th ward critical communications is to provide emergency safety alerts, correct misinformation, and demonstrate our office’s commitment to public safety via methods that align with our 48th ward mission statement and values.
Before sending an emergency alert, we ask the following questions:
Do we have new and/or actionable information?
Will people be seeking reassurance from our office in regards to this incident?
Would an emergency alert make our community safer?
We ask these questions to ensure that:
the information we provide is new, accurate, and helpful. The 48th ward office is neither a news outlet nor a police department. We work within the capacity and working hours of our staff to verify facts and address misinformation.
we’re not contributing to the problems that can arise from the overreporting and amplification of crime.
To get involved, come to one of our office’s regular public safety meetings or join your next Beat Meeting, District Council Meeting, or Block Club Meeting. Find information about local Block Clubs here. See Public Safety Meeting details on our community calendar.
For general 48th ward public safety information, reach out to the 20th Police District CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy) office here or the 24th Police District CAPS office here. If you don’t know which Police District you are in, use this map. If you are a business owner seeking more public safety information, reach out to your chamber of commerce.