Green New Deal for Chicago Public Schools Pledge

Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth was excited to sign Sunrise Chicago’s Green New Deal for Chicago Public Schools (GND4CPS) Pledge for Elected Officials. The pledge is a a committment that the Alderwoman will use her position champion legislation and policies that will combat the climate crisis, build community resilience, and right historical injustices by investing in Chicago Public Schools, especially those on the South and West Sides.

These proposed policies include things like retrofitting/weatherizing CPS buildings for maximum efficiency, providing students with paths to careers in sustainability, designating schools as community relief zones during severe weather, establishing a climate justice curriculum, and more! Read more about the GND4CPS here.

We all deserve to live in safe, healthy, and sustainable neighborhoods. We will continue working to provide the young people in our community with the with the education and opportunities they need to be climate justice advocates and leaders in the effort toward a more sustainable future.


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