Coyote Sightings - What to Do

Photo captured by David W. in Anderonsville on Summerdale

It's coyote season! With sightings on the rise, it's important to know what to do in case of an encounter with one of these animals.  

The number one thing you can do to stay safe is keep your distance. Coyotes are protected under state law and are not inherently dangerous to people. If you ignore them, they'll likely ignore you. 

If a coyote does approach you, remember that they're still more afraid of you than you are of them. Make loud noises by stomping or yelling, and make yourself bigger by raising your arms over your head. Don't run, as this may trigger a coyotes natural instinct to chase. If you have a pet with you, pick them up so they don't run either. Back away from the coyote slowly. Report aggressive coyotes to 311. Call 911 in the case of an emergency.

If you live in a residence with a yard that has frequent coyote visitors, experts recommend "hazing." Hazing is a way to scare coyotes without injuring them so they learn not to come back to your yard. Playing loud noises is considered a safe form of hazing.

Mating season for coyotes wraps up near the end of February. Until then, there's no need to be afraid, just be aware! Read more here and here.


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