Celebrating One Year in Office!

Photo collage; descriptions in caption

Inauguration Day 2023: Leni and Chief of Staff Nicole Granacki at City Hall offices, Leni and daughter Sydney at ceremony, Leni and family, City Council members taking oath of office.

May 15 marked one full year in office for Alderwoman Manaa-Hoppenworth and the 48th ward team! In that time we’ve been proud to work with all of you in the ward on anything and everything from the new arrivals mission, to economic development, to day-today service improvements in the ward. 

We celebrated with a virtual Town Hall meeting where we reflected on some of our accomplishments, answered questions, and unveiled the mission statement and values our team wrote during a recent retreat. Here's to another great year!

stacked screenshots of town hall slides

May 15 Town Hall Recap

Thanks to the folks who logged on for our mid-2024 town hall. Our team gave brief presentations about our work over the past few months, we answered questions, and we celebrated one full year in office! Access the recording and accompanying materials here.

48th ward office values in neon typgograhy

48th Ward Office Mission and Values

During the May 15 Town Hall, we unveiled a mission statement and collection of values that our team collaborated on during a staff professional development activity. As listed in the image above, empowerment, antiracism, community, service, and joy are the primary values that informed our mission statement:

The mission of the 48th ward office is to serve the communities of Edgewater and Uptown by equitably delivering government services, while preserving and enhancing quality of life for all residents.

We are dedicated to fostering a more just society, guided by principles of antiracism and inclusivity, where every individual, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, class, citizenship status, religion, history with our justice system, or gender, is valued and respected.

Rooted in service, joy, and empowerment, we strive for a community where everyone has access to the opportunities and resources necessary for success. 

Our commitment to co-governance drives our vision of a vibrant and equitable 48th ward and a stronger, more unified Chicago.


Development Feedback Opportunity: 4920 N Sheridan


Virtual Town Hall Recap: May 15, 2024 - Mid-Year Review