48th Ward Welcomes New Arrivals

Collage of various community organizations and events mentioned in post.

Thank you to the entire community for your invaluable support of the families staying at the Broadway Armory Shelter for the past several months. We’re incredibly proud of how our community stepped up in inspiring ways, including hosting families in our homes and houses of worship; collecting essential items like coats and suitcases; and hosting fun events for our new neighbors!

Between August 2023 and April 2024, the 48th ward office convened bi-weekly meetings with non-profit, faith, and community leaders to coordinate/collaborate on events, initiatives, and supports to welcome our new neighbors.

The mission of the working group was to support our new neighbors by coordinating with local organizations to streamline services, identify gaps, and communicate with the wider community. The work was guided by committee leads representing four essential areas: donations, enrichment opportunities, housing, and legal support. An estimated 50 local organizations participated in these efforts, and the group convened 15 times, working on over 30 initiatives.

The events/initiatives that came out of the working group or were enhanced by the working group are listed below, but please know that these are just a slice of the wider efforts going on throughout the community:

  • Preschool Childcare Enrollment hosted by South-East Asia Center at the Broadway Armory Shelter

  • Day of Dignity hosted by Chicago Refugee Coalition at Sullivan High School

  • Fiesta de Bienvenida at Rogers Park Chicago Public Library

  • Dia de Recursos hosted by Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth, Senator Duckworth, CMAA, Centro Romero, Edgewater Mutual Aid, Apna Ghar, Care for Friends, and more at the Broadway Armory Parking Lot

  • Snacks 4 Swift hosted by First Free Church

  • Family Literacy Program hosted by Chinese Mutual Aid Association at Chicago Friends School

  • Family Housing at Granville Methodist

  • FreeStyle Pop-Up Clothing Drive hosted by Edgewater Mutual Aid at St. Gertrude’s

  • Gardening at Vedgewater Community Garden hosted by Edgewater Mutual Aid

  • Once Upton a Time Capsule at Broadway Armory Shelter

  • Field Day hosted by Chicago Friends School, Sacred Heart, Centro Romero, ECRA and others at Senn Park

  • Coat and Suitcase Drive hosted by Ismaili Civic at Ismaili Center

  • CityKey at Centro Romero every other month

  • CityKey at Margate Park (456 CityKeys issued)

  • CityKey at Edgewater Presbyterian (232 CityKeys issued)

  • Goudy and Swift Winter Gear Drives hosted by Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth

  • Hats & Hot Chocolate hosted by 500 Hats for Refugees at Edgewater Library

  • Winter Clothing Drive hosted by Aramark

  • Thanksgiving Meal hosted by Illinois Venezuelan Alliance

  • Thanksgiving Meal hosted by Swift Community at Ismaili Center

  • Boot Drive hosted by Mary, Mother of God Parish

  • Winter Supply Drive and Snack Distribution hosted by 48th Ward Neighbors for Justice

  • New Arrival Orientation (Charlas) hosted by Centro Romero at Broadway Armory Shelter

  • Landlord Info Session hosted by Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth, Sanctuary Working Group, and Catholic Charities

  • Toy Drive hosted by Mary, Mother of God Parish

  • Toy Drive hosted by Care for Friends and Andersonville Chamber of Commerce

  • Christmas Eve hosted by St. Ita Parish

  • Christmas Day hosted by Care for Friends

  • Venezuelan Portuguese Author Ana Karina Da Silva hosted workshops at Goudy and Swift

  • Solidarity Shabbat and Ventra Card Distribution hosted by Emanuel Congregation

  • Lunar New Year Luncheon hosted by Ald. Manna-Hoppenworth and State Rep Hoan Huynh February 24th

  • Shower Up hosted by Care for Friends

While we no longer have a new arrivals shelter in the 48th ward, we continue to welcome new arrivals to Edgewater and Uptown as we always have. Some of our local non-profits will be more impacted than others by the closing of the Broadway Armory shelter. At City Hall, the Alderwoman will continue to advocate for resources and transparency around the New Arrivals Mission, and an end to the 60-day eviction policy.

Snacks 4 Swift and the CMAA Literacy Program will continue. We have a City Key Event tentatively scheduled for June 27th at the Ismaili Center.

The connections made during these meetings and collaborations are truly priceless, and we plan to meeting quarterly moving forward and to continue working together. If you are a non-profit, faith, or community leader in the 48th ward that would like to get connected to this network, email nicole@the48thward.org.

If you are a non-profit leader interested in receiving volunteers through the City’s volunteer program, the HUB, contact Marissa.Arrez@cityofchicago.org.


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